Sunday 31 January 2010


Water Rail by Canon Lane Bridge

This Water Rail was not so shy

Below The Police Helicopter searching

 Below a Long Tailed Tit for you Julian

Swans feeding by the river

Below Eldridge Lock

Set off  later than usual today, 09.30, so wasn't anticipating seeing much. As I walked from Cannon Lane Bridge first picture of the day was of a Long Tailed Tit, nice to see these birds have survived the long cold spell, so far!  Over head I could hear the sound of a helicopter.  A quick look through my binoculars I could see it was the police helicopter searching.  Not very wildlife but thought I would include it anyway.  A little later police cars with their sirens blazing so not the quietest of mornings.  I then noticed a bird fly up from the river with a white rump calling as it flew, a Green Sandpiper.  I have made three visits now to Cannon Lane and have spotted this bird every time.  I will try my best to scare one your way Warren!! 

The third pic of the day was of the Swans feeding in the field, there were nine Mute Swans and two cygnets.  At that moment a large black labrador came running at me jumping up, I dont mind dogs but I wish people would train them not to jump all over you.  I find it irritating enough when there are dogs about but I suppose they have to have their walks.  At one point there were nine dogs all in a group barking but the worst thing of all was the woman shouting for them to keep quiet.  Think I prefer the dogs barking!  No one seems to pick their "mess" up........enough moaning, I will now continue with my walk.

All the watery pools that formed after the ice melt are now just solid ice so nothing too see there today.  I scanned around them anyway to see if I could see a Snipe but alas, nothing.

Though I would take a picture of Eldridge Lock, I will spend a bit of time here in the future to see if I can get a nice picture of a Kingfisher as there are lots of nice overhanging branches near the Lock.

Time to head off home.  When I reach Cannon Lane Bridge I saw a small bird fly across the river.  I thought it was like a young Moorhen but then I thought it couldnt be.  A quick look through my bins revealed it was a Water Rail, I couldnt believe my luck cos this is such a secretive bird.  It is always exciting to see a not so common bird.  Heart racing I started snapping away hoping for a good picture and the best I could do is above.  I really much find someone who can show me how to make the most of my new camera.  That was a perfect end to a two hour walk.  Sorry I moaned about the dogs.

Bird list for the day
Black Headed Gull
Herring Gull
Blue Tit
Long Tailed Tit
Great Tit
Wood Pigeon
Green Sandpiper
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Reed Bunting
Red Wing
Water Rail


  1. It was here and then it went, its back now, lovely photos Parus! Yes Mate

  2. Very envious of the water rail and Green sandpiper. Nice Lt tit photo.

  3. Thanks For your comments. Next week back to Oxenhoath

  4. OXONHOATH. Sorry for the deliberate mistake
